Buy a Company Name With A .com Domain and Logo Included
Buy a company name, domain, and logo. Every brand starts with a company name so take your time to choose the right brandable name for your business. Since every serious company in today’s world should have a website, we solve 3 issues simultaneously (company name, domain, and logo).
See a list of more than 400 premium names
Brand names feedback (5 quick questions)
Domain Names Stats
Around 80% of startups prefer to use a .com for their domain! Around 70% of startups choose a real word or a combination of real words for their domains. The rest 30% of startups choose a creative, unique, and invented company name.
More than 90% of startups choose 1 or 2-word combinations for their company names! More than 80% of startups choose a domain of 11 characters maximum!
Here is the detailed post with the survey I did:
Startup Naming Trends Statistics
Key takeaways from the post and the stats:
.com is still the king of all domain name extensions and the trend seems that will remain for years. In general, a shorter version of a company name seems a popular choice. Companies are open to brandable names even if they don’t directly reveal their industry or they don’t contain some commercially intent keywords.